Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thing #16

Wiki such a cute name for such a powerful tool! Once again I am made aware of how much I don't know about technology. I think I have hit the too much information for this little brain of mine point... so many ideas are swimming around in my head about what could be done with this concept. With my SPED kiddos it will take some creative thinking to use this in my classroom and have control over the usage but I am going to come up with something because it is such a great idea to have kids of different levels collaborate and spring board ideas off of each other.

First and foremost I want to all say that one of the articles I read with this thing should how staff development should be being delivered. The district spent all this money for us to have lap tops and what better way to see their payoff than to utilize them in our staff days. Collaboration and interactive are the buzz words of education right now... lets stop talking about it and start using it to the fullest!

23 Things has been the best time I have ever spent in staff development time.!

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