Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thing #6

OMG... I never knew there was so much fun stuff that my kids at school could be doing that would increase their computer skills plus integrate some basic math skills. Teaching Special Education I am always looking for fun ideas for our "down" time that can keep the kids interested but also have a benefit. I enjoyed looking at all of the sites. The ones most interesting were from Big Huge Labs. I could use the kids pictures from my digital camera and make individual motivational posters and individual calendars that they could use for their daily calendar work. I also like Clockr. I am wondering how hard it would be to mashup their pictures with the clock...humm. They love to see their own faces!!!

1 comment:

Book Nook Girl said...

I love the mash-ups too! There is so much you can do with them! Your students will love creating!